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This Post Is A Complete Copout...


Hello all.

So full disclosure I maybe sort of completely forgot I was supposed to post today, so I maybe sort really didn’t have anything prepared.

I was going to write one this morning but then my parents decided to rip my heart out by making us pack away all the Christmas stuff.

The trauma is real.

Anyway, I’m back to work tomorrow. Big whoop.

Now to business.

While this may be a post, it’s a complete copout because it’s just telling you what’s coming next Sunday.

If I’m honest, I have complete uninspiration (a word I have just invented) and writers block when it comes to my own life.

So, if I can’t think of stuff to narcissistically go on about, then I’m going to talk about things and people that you guys should check out (this will be different to the Wednesday review posts. I think. I hope.)

Hopefully talking about that will trigger some beautifully poetic mirroring moments with my own life (insert violin music here).

For example: next Sunday I am going to introduce you to the Queen of Youtube, swearing and all things nerdy, Miss Katie O’shaugnessy.

Don’t role your eyes too hard.

Trust me, you’ll thank me for it later.

Stay tuned for the joy I’m about to send your way.

And dear god I hope this turns out as flattering and positive as it is in my head.

I like this bitch (don’t worry it is said with affection and she says it to me too) and I really think you guys will too.

But if you are sensitive to the C word, maybe give next week a miss.


And Happy New Year.

I’m rooting for you xx


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